It's important and we don't drink enough of it. Partly that's because that it's often cheaper to drink soda than water when buying it bottled. Everyone knows that plastic bottles stay in a landfill forever (bad) AND according to only 24% of all plastic bottles are recycled.

In addition to garbage, we often forget to think about the carbon footprint our little bottle
or Fuji, or worse, Evian leaves. Although I'm a fan of both waters, the amount of energy to transport the water leaves its own large
footprint. (Evian being worse than Fuji because it travels by Air) The making of the plastic bottles itself is a huge waste in energy, see this study which breaks down the carbon footprint bottled water leaves behind.
SO the best thing to do is fill your own bottle of water from the tap right?
well, it may put your health at risk.

According to a Huffington Post article there isn't blood in the water, there's weed killer. Not my fault folks, I used vinegar on my front steps! The chemical is called atrazine and its used to kill broad leaf weeds. Though there is a dispute on how bad it is for you, I think I'll pass.
Thankfully Brita filters do indeed filter out atrazine. So no worries. Pick up a $5 coupon for a Brita filter when you pledge to bottle your own water, reduce waste and lower your carbon footprint.
Wondering how you can reduce waste, drink less weed killer AND go local?? (boy you're ambitious!) pick up a Sigg bottle at Monkey Grass at the Shops at 5807. And check out other eco-friendly products while you're at it.