There's no such thing as a quick trip to Ellwood's, there's just too much to look at. I stopped in to pick up some sugar and half & half and a snack for later but I spent a good 15 minutes

perusing the aisles just for fun. Ellwood Thompson's is set up just like a small grocery store but have a sign indicating whether your food is local. Which is great for picking up something you find you needed or forgot to get at a farmers market. Ellwoods sells locally food and vegetables, freshly baked breads and even local free range eggs which can be bought in bulk for a pretty good price (more on that in another post).
I picked up a pint of organic half & half for $2.49. More than I usually pay. Maybe this will encourage me to drink less coffee? We'll see.
For sugar I looked in the baking aisle before remembering that Ellwoods sells bulk at a good price AND it reduces waste. Excellent. Even better? Eliminate those plastic bags and bring in your own container and shave 10 cents off the cost. Cool!
Intrigued, I called Ellwoods after I got home and got the scoop on the best ways to save money while shopping at ET's:
*Bring your own bag and save another 10 cents for each bag you use.
*Go on customer appreciation day (every second Wednesday of the month) and save 10% on your entire purchase.
*Double Coupon Day every Tuesday! Not only do they take printable coupons and manufacturer's coupons but take it in on a Tuesday and double it! Coupon books are also available near the produce section of the store.
*Buy bulk. Not just for the bulk section, this includes laundry detergent, fabric softener, dog food, tofu and even farm fresh eggs. Bring your own container and save 10 cents off an already great price. Just don't forget to get the tare weight before you fill up!
*Ride a bike, walk or use another low impact method (though I must say the intersection is terrifying, I was assured the employees do it daily) and save another 25 cents.
*Need dinner on the fly? Check out the Hot Bar Happy Hour at 8:30 for just $4.99lb. (I can't begin to tell you how delicious their food is!) Their hot breakfast bar is $5.49 and also worth checking out.
*Find something you love? Order it by the case! Save yourself a shopping trip or two and 10% off a case (mix-and-match with wine!)
*Check out the
monthly sales flyer for discounts that last all month. Try something new or stock up on something you love.
*And my very favorite, bring in your coffee cup and refill your travel-mug with coffee that smells so good it'll make your co-workers jealous, for just 99 cents! More ecological container, cheeper and better-for-the-earth coffee than Starbucks!
I'd already done a lot of grocery shopping before I decided to go on my local-organic-environmental kick. But check back with me in a few weeks as I'll make a bigger trip- this time armed with containers, bags, coupons and a calendar and I'll let you know how much I could save!
For more things ET's does for the community and the environment, check out